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Beginners Brush Pen Calligraphy
Beginners Brush Pen Calligraphy
Introduction (2:29)
Supplies (2:43)
The Workbook (3:15)
Warm Up (2:09)
The Drills
Drills - The Upstroke (0:53)
Drills - The Underturn (0:41)
Drills - The Overturn (0:52)
Drills - The Compound Curve (1:14)
Drills - The Oval (1:14)
Drills - The Downstroke (0:54)
Drills- Descender Loop (1:31)
Drills - Ascender Loop (1:08)
Drills - Twirl (1:05)
Drills - Swish (1:05)
The Alphabet- Intro (3:24)
ABC (1:10)
DEF (1:10)
GHI (1:06)
JKL (0:51)
MNO (0:48)
PQR (0:59)
STU (0:46)
VWX (0:42)
YZ (1:10)
Writing words, and finish! (2:39)
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Drills - Twirl
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